Attendance on our walks is strictly by either calling our booking line or submitting the booking form.
If you cannot make the walk after booking, please let the booking line know so another walker can be offered your place.
Please refrain from joining the walk unless you have booked by telephone or received your confirmation email. Obviously if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 do not attend the walk and please cancel your booking.
This is to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment. Thank you
You can make a booking via the on-line booking system, click on the fingerpost image below (to be redirected to the booking form) or by calling our Booking Line.
Booking Line Number: 07590 839421
(Call charges may apply, check your operator.)
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Walk Grades
There are three grades of walk to suit different levels of fitness:- Easy Walks are designed for families and the occasional countryside walker.
Moderate Walks involve some hill-climbing and rougher terrain and require some walking fitness.
Strenuous Walks cover longer distances over steep and rougher terrain and need good walking fitness and stamina.
Dog Walking
Unless otherwise indicated, dogs are allowed at the discretion of the walk leader. However bear in mind that there are often lots of stiles to cross and you might have to lift your dog over them. You will need to carry water for your dog.On open access land you'll need to use a short lead, no more than 2 metres long, particularly:
- between 1st March – 31st July when rare moorland birds and other ground-nesting birds lay their eggs on the ground
- Near farm animals – all year round. Sheep are particularly sensitive to dogs and many footpaths cross grazing land